The Spacetime Metric
Monday, April 30, 2007
  the end of the postmodern era
Those who convey misinformation (according to Lubos Motl) about theoretical physics have, unfortunately, fallen victim to postmodernism. In fact, The Trouble with Physics is now described as a postmodernist book.
If the final theory is unknowable, it doesn't make sense to become a theoretical physicist anymore. The final theory is THE FINAL THEORY. Once it is formulated entirely into physical law, that's it. The end. What will happen once we achieve "physics nirvana"? I don't know, and it doesn't do any good to speculate.
Postmodernists, on the other hand, like to think that we can't achieve that state. They attack science for the usual unintelligent reasons. The worst thing about it is that most postmodernists are too lazy to learn anything about science; hence they created their own depressing field of study. Most of them chose majors that had no practical purpose, anyway.
Postmodernists are the reason why science (and a whole lot of other things) are suffering now. They create confusion so that people who try to end confusion (e.g., scientists) will become rather annoyed with them. Postmodernists are the scourge of academia.
The postmodern era, however, may have just ended. Or at least it will end this year, when the LHC starts up. We shall return to the modern era again. Physics, space exploration, legitimate climate science (not global warming "theories") should return to the way they were about 35 years ago, when all of the above were thriving.
And that's the memo.

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